Best friend overstepping her bounds


My best friend recently moved back to town and I couldn't be more thrilled...or at least I was. My husband and I got pregnant with out first child in march and we were so unbelievably thrilled. I shared my news with my best friend and her only response was "really? Are you kidding me right now?" In a totally sarcastic and condescending tone. Our friendship has become increasingly stressed since my pregnancy, I have tried to let it go, we continue to hang out together, though she doesn't seam to realize the snide comments that she makes really bothers me. Recently she came to my house (which is older and needs a small bit of work) and started yelling at me about how "run down" my house is and how I should have bought a new place before I would even think of bringing a child into it ( mind you I am 24 with a house I own out right, it may need work but I have no mortgage and it's mine) I tried to ignore her hurtful words, until she left and pulled my husband aside to talk to him. She scolded him about how stressed out she felt that I am, about how he isn't doing enough for me, and how THEY need to sit down to figure out solutions to this pregnancy "problem". My husband works 2 jobs so I don't have to, he cleans more than I do so I don't have to use the chemicals, he is more than amazing and I couldn't ask for anything more. So my question is, do you feel that I have a right to be upset that she is scolding my husband and not talking directly to me about something she has little involvement in, or am I just being hormonal?