Iud and pregnant?


So I want to start off with saying this is going to be a long post. So back in February I had my baby girl Via csection went in 2 weeks later to discuss with my doctor what birth control to use or if I was going to have my tubes removed! So I decided on the paraguard IUD and she said come back in 4 weeks and we will put that in for u I went with that form of birth control because it had no hormones and would be in for ten years I thought cool if down the road me and my husband decide to have another baby we will remove it and go from there! So I went back and I had it put in and it was painful very uncomfortable but before I left the NP did take an ultrasound and I saw it was placed! So she was like come back in a month and we will have a look to make sure it's still there and it is ok! Well I didn't go back we had a death in the family that day of my appointment and didn't want to ask anyone to watch my kids while I go my husband wasnt here he deployed to South Korea just a week in a half before all of this happened so I decided to wait I was like ok I'll go back when everything is a bit better death in a family is very hard. So two week later I called back my doctors office to see if I can go back but no longer had Medicaid so out of pocket it would be 150 and I couldn't afford that right now. So I left it as it is! Fast forward to June my husband is back and now is able to add me and my kids on tricare! But with the plan he has I can only go to a doctor on the army base. So I had to go get a pap because we will be leaving with him over seas and need a pap. So of course I give my health history and put that I am on IUD paraguard , when I'm taken to the room undress for my pap doctor comes in talks to me for a bit then gets started when she's down there she is like "hmm u said u had the paraguard ? I don't see any strings!" I'm like what yeah she's like I'm going to order and ultrasound walk over there and make an app. So once I'm done I walk over there and I ask them to make an appointment and she tell me that the soonest is three weeks I'm like yeah I guess I'll take it. Fast forward three weeks and I start my period and stupid me didn't go to appointment.! In my dumb head I thought well clearly it's in there so I can't get pregnant! Fast forward again to this month and I was suppose to get my period on the 9th and nothing and it clicked to me fuck I can be pregnant! So Friday the 11th I went to a clinic were they give free test and yup it said I was pregnant ! So of course I am freaking out tomorrow morning I'm going to go to the doctor because I've been reading all sorts of things and I'm getting scared. I just want to know if this has happened to anyone . If the iud fell out wouldn't I have seen it? So confused!😔