Seven years waiting for my ex to come back...finally moving on with my life.

Dear ex lover, where do I start? O well I just wanted to let you know that I am done. I'm done waiting for you to come back in my life. I'm done crying in the shower so no one would hear me. I'm done getting on my knees begging God to send you back to me. I'm done wasting my time waiting for you.

For one reason or another I waited seven years, while you were living life to the max doing the things I wanted to do with you. I'm not blaming you, not at all. I just hate myself for thinking that there was going to be an "us."

I tried to believe the saying "time heals a broken heart", well let me tell you that it's a pile of bs. My heart should've been heal by now. O well every time I say it's over, that I'm finally going to move on with my life, I always end up back on my knees asking God what did I ever do to deserve this much heartache.

I called, text, I even flew thousands of mile just to see you. I didn't want a no for an answer, I didn't want to accept the fact that it was over, that there will never be an us again.

This is it! I finally accept the fact. For seven years I kept lying to myself, hoping, praying, begging. I accept my faith. I accept the hard true that you'll never be mine. You're my unanswered prayer.

I don't know what the hell or how I'm going to move on, but I am dedicated to get over you. Truthfully I don't know how I'll ever love someone else like I love you. I will never be strong enough to give someone else the love I gave you. I will never be able to give my 100 percent.

Honestly, I don't plan on seeing anyone. I plan on being a strong, happy cat lover. Omg, I'm going to be one of those single woman who have a lot of cats. O well, at least they'll love me like I'll love them. They won't broke my heart into thousand of pieces.

I'll be okay seriously. I'll do all the thing I wanted to do with you by myself. There's nothing wrong in that. If ever I want a baby, I'll adopt. Life won't be too bad without you.

Thank you for teaching me how to be strong and persevere. Most importantly how to be patient and have hope; even when hope never came.