
I really only post if I have a problem I need an outside opinion on and this one is once again about my boyfriends mother...

On Saturday she threw him a birthday party and there was alcohol there and she let the kids drink some and so she's an alcoholic and basically she got drunk and told me to work the popcorn machine. so I did and I had hurt my wrist a couple days ago my wrist was trembling holding the table spoon so I put it down and it was a little hard to see in the dark. But as I was pouring the oil it spilt a little not a lot I checked to see how much napkins I needed and it was a dot smaller than my thumb nail... so I poured it in w the corn and walked away to get napkins but got side tracked w some other people also I was in a completely sober state of mind. So all the sudden she goes Emily get over here in a super harsh tone so her son walked over w me to see what was up and it looked like some one had spread the oil all over the table and gotten it everywhere. She started screaming at me in front of everyone so I ran inside to grab my stuff and told my boyfriend I was leaving we got in a fight I was crying and I told him I hate going over his moms bc all she ever does is make me feel horrible... she walks in the house screaming for me to get out of his room and he walks out and starts screaming at his mom so all while this I'm calling my mother to pick me up downtown his mom walked into his bedroom and continues to yell at me calling me ungrateful and telling me she does everything for me that they take me on trips and that they feed me when I come over and that i was a baby for crying and that I need to get over it she kept saying we love you so much then would continue to tell me how much I should appreciate her and I told her I did I was so respectful to her the whole time she was screaming but I was sobbing the whole time!!!!! I walked out of the house with my best friend and later when all of his friends told him they were leaving my boyfriend caught up with up and went home w me because he didn't want to be w his mom!! When his dad heard about what happened he was furious w his mom. I just don't know what to do does it sound like she hates me or was she just drunk??!! This happens so much her getting drunk and yelling at us I don't know how to handle it!!!!