He was a scumbag! I can't believe I fell for him!


Ok so I'm 17 and a HUGE hopeless romantic. Normally I'm ok with the fact until I met this guy. So I worked at the movie theater in my town and one night I turn around from making popcorn and the hottest guy I have ever seen! I mean he was FANTASTIC! He was buff had brown hair and crystal blue eyes, of he was with a girl...so he bought their tickets and got in line to get concessions and of course I had to take his order,so how did we bond you ask?... he asked me if I could sneak him a blue raspberry icee into our large soda cups cause they were bigger, so of course I did,he paid they went into their movie and I was like I'll never see him again. WRONG!! He came back out for a refill, it was then I learned his name and that he was actually with a girl I graduated with, anyway few weeks went by I found him on Instagram and slid right into his DM's(lol) we talked he told me I was super cute and the MVP for the icee, we talked off and on,he'd text me after work and we'd Snapchat after he got off work. Then came " The Big Night" I went over to his house and we talked and laughed,but eventually it turned to kissing and touching and then he asked me if it was alright,so basically I lost my virginity that night and he straight up told me he'd never have feelings for me! Few weeks had passed we still talked and laughed but then I missed my period,I was only a day late but I have never been late in my life. He also told me he couldn't have a kid with me,he didn't have feelings for me,he could never love me,that he would pay for an abortion I thought what a butthole he asked me to get rid of it and never speak to him again. Come to find out I wasn't pregnant but he doesn't know that, he thinks I am. Needless to say I got my revenge and sent him a picture of a positive test my friend had saved from when she found out, and that I'm keeping it and that he doesn't have to be in the babies life. Moral of the story is girls DONT FALL FOR THE BOY WHO HAS THE CRYSTAL BLUE EYES. He really just wants in your pants! If he gets what he wants and then dumps you, give him a taste of his own medicine.