

Back story I've been with the same guy since I was a freshman in highschool and im 20 now. We have 1 baby girl that is 2 years old and I'm 31 pregnant with his son. my body never fully recovered from the last baby so I seriously am in a lot of pain most of the time. I try not to complain about it and do my duties as a mother and partner without complaint, but that doesn't always work out and I of course complain. Well lately I have to sit and take frequent breaks and drink water and eat of course and I havnt got as much done around the house as usual but I have a toddler running around also so I'm constantly tending to her needs. He doesn't see that oder course becuase he works and im a SAHM in college. He comes home and and says I do nothing all day but sit on the couch when I know that's not true bmhe literally just doesn't see what I've done the house is always at least tidy so it doesn't look dirty but it's usually pretty clean and organzied. He always talks about the things I haven't done or the things that need done. He gets home and gets to relax but my job is NEVER done and I work all night andand h onio weekends. It just sucks becuase I feel like he thing kicks I'm some lazy bump when inasmuch much as I can. I feel like I'm failing in that area. I just needed to vent. I don't know maybe I'm being ridiculous.