Need some reassurance!

Ok so I am possibly going to have to be induced at 38 weeks due to medical reasons 36 and a half weeks now but my Dr is worried that i will have a very hard time during labor and more so actually delivering vaginally because of the size of my baby and because I have a very small pelvis and are worried baby will become very stressed during delivery so more than likely will have to end up having a c section! Which freaks me out!! I'm terrified of having a c section! Has anyone else had to have a c section due to having such a small pelvis and a larger baby?? They do want to at least possibly give me the chance to try and labor and deliver as naturally as possible but not likely to happen. Dr said I could try to start walking a lot right now and maybe help speed things up and go into labor naturally she said she could see my water spontaneously breaking on its on due to how much baby is pushing down and and his size and how low he is and has already been! But they won't be able to actually induce until 38 weeks but before that up to my body naturally..