Finally seeing a fertility specialist


I have Endometriosis and hubby has low sperm count and motility. Here on glow you can see recommended specialists near you and well I found one 10 mins away from my job. Also this same specialist was referred a couple weeks back by my hubby's coworker whom him and his wife struggled to conceive and were helped with their problem in that office and they have a baby now. At first I didn't realize that the specialist hubby's coworker and the office I had found on glow were the same place, until I've went back to our old text conversation when hubby mentioned his coworker's recommendation and seen the information of the specialist and it was the same one. Now I'm so excited about it !!! I called right away asked if they accept my insurance and they do ! It's a OBGYN office with fertility specialist also, I explained our WHOLE history to the receptionist and she recommended I see the OBGYN first due to my endometriosis so I was scheduled for mid September. Now just a few minutes ago I received a call from them again and turns out the doctor wants me to actually see the fertility specialist and my appointment is for next week !!!!! Now we know we're up for another ttc journey and we're very well aware that even though the receptionist said they do accept my insurance their would be certain things we would maybe have to pay out of pocket. GUYS I'm so excited ! Happy, scared, nervous but overall happy. We've been ttc for 3 years ! So many let downs, so many bad news and BFNs 💔 I just want my baby already 😭