21 weeks with SVT


Just got off the phone with an OB after experiencing some pretty scary symptoms. I've had multiple episodes of extreme dizziness starting around 16 weeks & just thought I wasn't hydrating myself enough so I started drinking more water. But recently it's gotten worse: I get dizzy, the room spins, my heart feels like it's in my throat & going at max speed, my ears ring, I can't hear, my limbs feel like they way 100lbs, I shake & my vision goes black. I've been close to passing out but I haven't yet. Finally got scared because I almost fell in the shower after having an episode & an on call OB called me right back. I told her what I was experiencing & she said it's classic SVT. She said she would leave a note for my actual OB to check my heart rate when I go in for my appointment Tuesday & see if they can catch an episode. If they can't & they get concerned about it then they may send me home with a heart monitor to see if they can catch it then (I have a LONG line of heart complications in my family). Has anyone else been diagnosed with SVT before or during pregnancy? Just looking for some information on it & see how I can manage it while awaiting my next appointment.