Biblical Christians


.. of all people should not avoid or tiptoe around the issue of race. Shout it from the house too without fear or favor: racism is anti-Christian. White supremacy is evil. Leftist identitarianism is evil. The idea that white are superior to blacks is evil. The idea that whites are "structurally" racist is evil. The defense of racial slavery by the South in the civil war was evil. Using history of racial slavery to attack whites, Asians, and Hispanics is evil. Nazi ideology is evil. Libertarian Marxist ideology is evil.

For Christianity, this is what really matters: all races are created in the image of God; all races are born into sin; and all races can and should be redeemed by the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The only color that fundamentally matters is not black or white or yellow or brown, but red: the shed blood of Jesus Christ and all washed from their sins in the atoning blood.

Anything less than or different from this is contra- Christian.