Leg Aches during pms/period

Sydney • 🇻🇮🇺🇸 #BeyHive 🐝. A “Creative” in UX Design / Casual Gamer / Unofficial House Chef/ Brunch Enthusiast/ Lone Wolf. ♍️🌞 ♉️🌝♋️⬆️


I recently have been experiencing leg aches, my blood tests from the lab came back normal, not pregnant... But , im super annoyed , they ache like crazy . I have zero clue what's wrong really. It's started around my calves & shins , then goes up to my knees and thighs... so other than the pelvic & lower ab cramps & moodiness I get during pms this thing shows up. Like a week or two ago I was fine. I've been working out but fine , then pms starts , legs feel like jello plus they ache, feel weak. I've seen several posts on this but i had to vent too lol. I did see a dr & will follow up with my primary dr soon. walk-in care clinic took a blood test , plus felt my legs , everything was fine & had me walk around , checked my reflexes ..they were "great" , she said. So im sort of depressed . I wanna know what's going on , is this like hormone-related? :/ idk. I am venting BUT if anyone else can relate , any advice on how you cope with the issue? I have my heating pad , I massage with castor oil , but the aches are off & on. Am I missing any other remedies?