Baby might have Renal Agenesis


The ob said they couldn't find her 2nd kidney on my 34w ultrasound. It showed up on the 20w anatomy and gender scan, but now it isn't visible. They said the one they can see is working perfectly, so she's perfectly healthy. They won't be able to tell us if she does or doesn't have renal agenesis or renal dysplasia until after she's born. I did some digging and as long as her one kidney works everything will be ok, she'll just have to have annual blood and urine tests. It apparently effects 1/1000 births, so it's not incredibly rare.... and I'm refusing to look at what happens if her good kidney stops working. My anxiety is bad enough without thinking of my newborn hooked up to a dialysis machine on a transplant list.

Any other moms have this condition themselves or have a spouse or child or other family member/ friend with it who can give me more peace of mind for when my anxiety disorder decides to keep me up at night this next month until I deliver and find out for certain?