We found we were pregnant in may


We found we were pregnant in may. After years of doctors telling us that pcos patients have a harder time getting pregnant and then you throw mixed connective tissue disease and 3 car accidents later you have my messed up body. We didn't think it was going to happen with out help. It did! Then came time our first appointment found that we were 7 weeks 5 days.... then the most awful sentence " I can't find a heartbeat " another doctor came an check and the Same thing. My world completely fell apart in that moment. I was just happy that we had not told our 7 year old daughter(my step daughter since she was 8 months)who's been wanting us to have twins. So we went through the process of the D&C; I opted for surgery and to be asleep. Then the bleeding that never was going to end. 8 weeks of it. Finally I stopped bleeding 4 weeks ago. Took a test this morning and got a faint line. So hopefully this will work out this time.