grateful but embarrassed?

i'm 17 and expecting my first and although being young is really hard i am still continuing school and everything. the thing is i have been blessed with the absolute most amazing family, my boyfriend is extremely supportive and has finally got a job! his family is also beyond supportive, in my opinion i think i have been blessed with the best life, the thing is i feel bad slightly embarrassed..ashamed? for being young and seeing how most girls don't have what i have and it makes me feel bad. i want to be the best mom i can be, i am taking care of myself and have pretty much completely changed myself into a happier, positive, better person. my school is extremely helpful, helping me make sure i stay on track and graduate on time, one of my counselors is even giving me a bunch of things for the baby! that's insane to me, i am supported from every side and i am overwhelmed with all the positivity. i am so young and instead of people shaming me they're supporting me. i have had a rough past with lots of abuse, depression, anxiety, etc. this baby has 100% changed my life, has made me step out of my comfort zone from being so shy and having major anxiety to talk to people to now slowly but surely i have began to start conversations with strangers. teen pregnancy is looked down on but it's changed my life, seeing how positive its impacted me i am so happy. i am just so sad and sometimes embarrassed to talk about what i have been blessed with since i know not everyone has that. i dont know if i should feel bad because i am so grateful for literally everything. i NEVER would have thought my life would EVER be happy, especially not in this position. should i feel ashamed for being young and being happy and all of the good things that happen? i just want to enjoy this and not feel ashamed to be happy 😭