blighted ovum?


I need some advice. my husband and I started trying last year for our 3rd pregnancy. we were able to get pregnant but had a miscarriage right after thanksgiving we lost our baby. we got pregnant again finally after months of trying again in July. I had a little spotting of light pink and brown Thursday night. of course I got upset called my OB Friday and was told it's Friday nothing they can do but keep an eye on it. Saturday I woke up and was spotting brown, so I called my OB and the nurse told me to go to ER just to have peace of mind. I go into the ER my HCG levels are over 5000, cervix is closed but when they did the ultrasound they found my sac with yoke was only measuring 5 weeks 2 days and they couldn't tell if they could see a fetal pole. so now I am left at around 6 weeks not knowing if I will be having another miscarriage. Has anyone gone through a miscarriage being diagnosed with a blighted ovum? I've been trying to do some research and found that it is found not to be accurate if diagnosed before 9 weeks and women who have seen less than what they found on my ultrasound and ended up the doctors were wrong. any advice would be so helpful. I am holding onto hope that we are not going through this again.