My mom wants to come to every ultrasound


Does anyone else have a mother like this? I'd say me and my mother are close & my husband and I let her come to the first ultrasound now she literally wants to come to every appointment. I'm okay with her coming when my husband can't get off work but I don't want her to be there when we find out the gender. My husband and I want to find out together then do a reveal for our family. She just wants to be extra involved in everything which is fine to an extent. I think she's trying to make up for her mom not being their when she had us kids. I get where she's coming from but this is our child, I want this special time for my husband and I as well. We also have names picked out for each sex and she keeps trying to talk me out of them (which isn't going to happen) but if you were me, what would you do?