Update: shaken baby; attempted murder?


I posted the other night about Baby Autumn from Oregon that was shaken by her baby sitter a little over a week ago. The other day she was woken from her coma then later her breathing tube removed. They are sure she had permanent brain damage, as I said. Well...now they are saying there is a possibility she is blind. They said the vessels in her eye broke. There's no response when they shine lights in her eyes. Along with this, she can no longer sit up on her own, let alone hold her head up on her own. She also cannot grab or reach for anything. They arent sure if it is too early, she's too weak, or if it's due to her brain damage. Her mother is fighting so hard, as is baby Autumn. Even though she may not be able to see, she instantly calms whenever she's placed in her mother's arms. My heart goes out to them. They have a gofundme page set up. I would post photos but I don't want to ask something so trivial of mommy while she's already dealing with so much. But if you wish to look into it anymore, you can Google the story. It's been on the news, and the mother is giving constant updates on facebook.