When should my in-laws come after baby?

I'm due in November and having a homebirth, so my mother is going to be staying at our house to take care of me before and about a month after the baby is born (also because it runs into Christmas and we have more of my family coming). 
My husband is from India, so his mother is going to come stay with us whenever I want her to, and now his younger sister is asking to come stay, too. The problem is, our house isn't very big at all...we only have a pull-out futon for them in the baby's room, plus, I will have already had my own mother staying with us for over a month most likely, and then more family at x-mas...and I know that his mother and sister will want to stay in our house and stay for at least a few weeks. 
My question is... when should they come?? Right after my family leaves or maybe a couple weeks or month after that? This is our first child and I have NO idea how I'll feel about having so much company for so long without a break. Maybe I'll still really want to extra hands around to help with the baby....or maybe I'll be ready to be just be on my own with my husband and our new son. I'm kind of stressing about it because we have to make a decision fairly soon for them to buy tickets and everything.