Pregnant women and the Eclipse.


I've had my mom on my ass hard about this and although I tried telling her it was B.S she would not stand for it and demanded I obeyed her lol I also had my grandmother call me to warn me about the eclipse and the "precautions" I need to take and wants me to send her a picture of me "obeying" her and she doesn't "want to find out that I didn't listen" lol

My mom even went as far as looking up an article stating that "scientists found it to be a proven fact...." so from my understanding the solar eclipse can cause abnormalities to your unborn child and you can not wear colors like blue or magenta which can attract radiation ?? To protect your unborn child you must wear a red ribbon , dress or shirt. Have to wear red though and safety pins around your belly or keys. Well, I'm up to put a damn red dress on or red shirt and safety pins before my mother facetimes me to make sure I've done it. Anyone else with me ?? 🤷🏻‍♀️