Cheating husband

Beloved Cee

So my husband left his phone at home while he went to work. Do you know where this is leading? Yes, I found evidence that he is cheating on me. We celebrated one year last month. His text insinuates that he has met up with the girl and he even told her that he has someone. I think he thinks that he deleted or hid those messages but thanks to Apple I found them. I also found pictures of two girls in his phone but not necessarily sure those were sent directly to him. I mean what do I do? He has lost his job twice since we married. The first only one month after we married. He was on unemployment then got a job 5 months later then three months into that job he quit it because he thought he was about to get another job. He has had my car that I gave him repossessed. He just got a cook job but he only makes 13.25/hr in the D.C. the math. I make 70k a year. Why am I feeling like I got the short end of the stick? He always accuses me of cheating or linking up with old lovers because I have an "experienced" past. Yet, I have never cheated on him EVER. What is going on? How am I supposed to respond to all of this? My husband is sexy with a built body type I am on the heavier side...more thick then anything. I'm sure he could find a slimmer chick. But If he wants to do that then he should go about his business and do that then. I've always been confident. After we married...he appeared to be easily angered and frustrated all the time and always playing the victim. He says I make him feel bad for not being able to pay bills and handle his responsibilities. I don't even get in him a lot I tell him my frustrations and my stresses but I don't beat him up. What do you see is happening?