Please...for the love of god can I go into labor already 😂


I am headed to my 40 week check up tomorrow and I'm hoping that I will progressed from where I was last week. Have been losing more small bits of my MP over the last few days so I'm hoping that's a plus. He said he would strip my membranes a bit more aggressively at this appt but he says he won't let me go past 41 weeks so I'm going to see if he will set me an induction date for the end of the week (a few days before 41 weeks) I know it sounds selfish but my daughters second birthday is next Tuesday and we already know they will have close birthdays but I really don't want them to have the same birthday. (For all the ones out there that say oh it's easier for birthdays Yada yada I know believe me but everyone that shares a birthday with someone close to them says they hate it. So I'm dead set I don't want them sharing but I suppose it's really up to the dr and the hospitals schedule for inductions...) lol

I'm just hoping she comes on her own by the end of the week because I would like not to be induced if I can help it. But if she is going to be stubborn then bring on the pitocon I suppose because im so over this pregnancy 😂