My husband is making me feel self conscious and sad 😭


I'm currently 18 weeks and 5 days. To date I have put on 4kgs since before I was pregnant. Everyone says I'm tiny except my husband. He has said I'm getting pudgy and I need to watch my weight and he has also pinched at my hips, thighs and tummy. He constantly asks what I'm eating and scrutinises anything he can despite not really seeing how well I am eating when I do. He then says I'm a doctor (which he is) it's my job to be concerned. I'm now so stressed about eating and eating around him that I'm avoiding it or eating half what I would have before pregnancy if we are having a meal together. I don't feel it's a way to live and its making me feel quite sad in my pregnancy. This and his jealous 14 year old daughter that has become a nightmare between us since we told her she was going to be a big sister again is really wearing me down.

Yesterday he told me he doesn't like fat chicks. Im definitely not fat and I'm now questioning our little princess growing in my tummy and how uncomfortable his comments are going to make me as she and my belly grow over the next 20 or so weeks. Does anyone else have to deal with their partner or husband making them feel insecure about their bodies?