Trying to lose weight

Heather • Wife. Mom. Friend. Book Babe. smut reader 😏

I am almost 27 years old and I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I guess you can say I was slightly overweight in high school but it didn't start becoming a problem until I was pregnant with my daughter. I gained so much weight during that pregnancy and have struggled with it since. I had another pregnancy where I didn't gain any weight but I didn't lose any either. I am at my heaviest weight right now at about 280 and it kills me to look in the mirror and see myself. I have tried many different times to exercise and lose weight but I get truck in a rut and when I don't see any change I just slowly stop doing it. I don't know how to keep going. I don't know where to start and how to keep it going. I want to be healthy for my family, I want to be able to play with my kids and not get tires 5 mins after playing and have to sit down. My kids are 7 and almost 3, this is prime time for me to be active with my kids but I just can't keep up...

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You need to remember that weight loss is 90% about food and 10% about exercise. Exercise is amazing, but you can't eat like shit and try to exercise it away. You need to make drastic changes to your eating habits. If you are calorie deficient, you will lose weight.Weight watchers is a great thing people mentioned here and can teach you more healthy habits. Personally I downloaded MyFitnessPal and tracked everything I ate and kept my calories down. I lost 26lbs in 5 months. I also started exercising 30 mins a day using beachbody on demand. I'm a mom of 3, I'm 35, I have a full time career, and my metabolism sucks. If I can make it work, you can too. Good luck 


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Thank you to everyone for your comments and support! It is very uplifting!


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Go to weight watchers and the meetings do it all! I'm at my absolute heaviest I've ever been I weigh 312 and my lowest was 220 and I looked good and just lost myself. I signed up yesterday and it is truly motivating! Best of luck in your journey! Know you are not alone! ❤️


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the other comments had some really good advice the only thing i would add is if u can find a friend to workout with u, it's always good to have another person keep u in routine and it really helps me. Even a family member or ur partner or someone


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Start by making small changes. You're a mom so you probably don't have time to do long workouts every day and that's ok. Maybe just go for a walk around the block, a bike ride, a short jog. The best way to lose weight is to do HIIT exercises (High Intensity Interval Training), because you'll be boosting your cardiovascular system and strengthening your muscles with will make your metabolism faster. If you look up "hiit Workout" on YouTube or google there will be plenty to try. It's best to workout 3-4x a week if you can. I would recommend drinking water of course because that always helps. Also, to become empowered and passionate about your choices I think you could learn more about the foods you're eating, and maybe try incorporating more plant based foods into your diet because they are the healthiest. Hope this helps


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Maybe weight watchers where you go to meetings and get motivated