Fertilaid is working !


So I just had to share ! I've had irregular periods since i first started in junior high . In college I started getting cysts on my ovaries and would have periods so heavy and painful I had one that lasted 10 days and I bled so heavy i lost color in my lips and would black out if I stood up too quickly . Dr did blood work and I had become anemic so they did and D&C; and I was put on birth control after and had been on it for 12 years and stopped when I got married and husband and I wanted to try for kids . It took about 5 months to get pregnant with our first . We started trying again when he turned 1 but I hadn't been on birth control since I had him so my periods were back to being irregular . It's been almost 3 years trying for another baby and I've had another D&C; , 6 months of Clomid and numerous dr appts to try to get things straightened out so we can get pregnant because I also have endometriosis, fibroids on my uterus and PCOS . A couple months ago a friend of mine sent me a link to some vitamins that helped her sister get pregnant , Fertilaid . In the couple months I've been taking it I finally have an almost regular cycle and for the first time in 3 years I have watery/fertile cm today !!! I'm so excited I may finally have a good chance of getting pregnant ! Yay Fertilaid!!!