Relationship Advice Please

Hey ladies, 
So I need advice, here's the story: I was seeing this guy for only 2 months, and in the beginning I was not into him whatsoever, but I really got to know him and fell for him-HARD. He's such an amazing guy and has the best heart. We decided to stop taking because we both have really busy lives, he has two jobs and does a lot of volunteer work. I'm a manager and I also do volunteer work. Not only do our busy schedules keep us apart from each other so does the distance, we live 1 hour away from each other.
 I have never been in a serious relationship and I take sexual/intimate things very important to me within a relationship. He took a lot of my "firsts", TMI but he was my first bj, hand job, fingering, etc. I don't regret doing any of those things, I'm so happy it was him. We were exclusive, but I felt that for us to continue what we had I needed the label of boyfriend/girlfriend. He said he didn't want the labels because he knows what it's like rushing into one and it ended badly.
 On the night we were discussing about defining our relationship he said he wanted to focus on himself. I was completely understanding because he's 3 years older than me and he's at the age where discovering his career path is really important. But that night hearing those things from him also made me so mad and insecure. I felt insecure because I was already embarrassed for being inexperienced with serious relationships and was clearly more into him than he was into me. I felt mad because he knew I took intimate actions special to me, yet he didn't see our relationship going anywhere so why'd he start what we had in the first place if it wasn't even going to progress anywhere. 
I feel so conflicted on his actions because he'll say things about me meeting his parents, he put an extra tooth brush for me in his bathroom, etc., yet he goes and tells me he wants to focus on himself.... 😒
 I've never felt this way about anyone and I miss him so much. I regret calling it off, and his friend has told me he misses me too..... I don't know what to do. Should I try reaching out to him or should I just forget and move on. At the same time I feel like there was so many things left unsaid. What do you guys think?