IBS or Denial of Pregnancy...

Yeah I already know I'm gonna get a shit ton of hate for this, but I think I've finally settled on either having IBS (more likely than not) or be dealing with denial of a pregnancy. Here's the problem: my mom is a nurse and won't take me to see a doctor unless she thinks there's a reeeeaaaalllyyyy good reason for it (such as my migraines or my thyroid - those are the only two things she won't argue with me about). I've been having weird issues such as very, very prominent veins in my boobs/chest since late March/early April. Yes, I know I should've gone to a doctor right when I noticed something that made me feel very concerned, but I was not about to tell my mom I thought I was either pregnant or that I thought I had cancer. I'm 20 years old, I don't need my mom begging to stare at my boobs before she decides if I need to see a doctor or not. But I basically decided I was overreacting and that my period would just come in a few days, which it did, but I took two tests after it ended bc my friends were nagging me to (because my period was 4 days shorter than normal), and of course they were both negative. The veins never went away so I just assumed my hormones went crazy and this was the new me lol (I know, not a smart assumption). Fast forward a few months and now I've been having a lot of stomach issues. I'm feeling a lot of movement in my stomach, which I've been attributing to just being gassy even though I'm not actually passing gas. My stupid ass fell down a wormhole on the internet and started reading a crap ton of stuff about cryptic/stealth/denial of pregnancies. But I also have a fair amount of IBS symptoms. For almost 2 weeks now I haven't been able to stomach more than a meal a day, and I've been insanely bloated, to the point where I actually maybe would look a few months pregnant. Not to mention now all the veins in my boobs are darker and I see them all over my body in places I've never seen them before. I don't really know if I'm looking for advice or just trying to rant because I have no one to talk to about this that won't think I'm batshit crazy. I mean I really doubt I'm pregnant, it's just that my veins are freaking me out. They're EVERYWHERE.