He cheated.. 😭

My boyfriend off 13 years cheated on me a few month ago. I found text messages from another woman, I know there was multiple women too. He denies anything happening, but I know he went to her home 🤔 and the messages didn't seem like they didn't do anything, pictures were sent too. All while I'm sat at home with our three children and pregnant with our fourth.

After a lot of time out and over thinking We are now on talking terms and trying to work things out.

I'm currently 27 week pregnant and feel so insecure. I carnt seem to let it lie, I'm having nightmares about the whole thing.

What I suppose I'm asking is.... have I made the wrong mistake? Should I have left his arse in the gutter? Will things get easier?

Confused hormonal tired pregnant woman calling out for advice here.!! 😘