Contractions 40+2 weeks


So last night around 8pm I started having mild contractions anywhere from 18-30 seconds long about every 8 minutes. Around 10pm decided to take a bath and then around 11pm they increased to about 45 seconds and 6 minutes apart. My husband was in bed and I was so tired but didn't know how I was going to sleep with having these. So I went to the living room to watch a movie as I sat on my exercise ball and kept timing the contractions. By about 12:30am I was so tired and the contractions were inconsistent about 45 seconds each anywhere from 5-9 minutes apart. I decided to try to get some sleep. I just woke up a little bit ago at 4:30am and definitely had a lot of bloody show (I've been getting bloody discharge consistently since Tuesday but this was the most) and as I'm laying here typing this they have gotten more consistent around 55 seconds to over a minute every 5-6 minutes apart. I'm a FTM and thinking about waiting a little longer to call my midwife. Planning on a home water birth. I'm pretty sure this is definitely labor though correct?? And not just the Braxton hicks? For any of you ladies who have had babies before does it sound like I'm in active labor just just prelabor??