What do you do when romance is DEAD?

My husband and I are in a pretty rough spot. We're dealing with some crap, including finance troubles, along with our 2 kids.

It's not a new thing, I think the fire has been low if not out for a while. I've suggested he be checked for things like low t and that didn't go over well.

I'm just frustrated. It's been nearly a month since we'd last had sex, which is the longest we've gone without since our youngest was born.

I've tried reading some books, adjusting my attitude (I'm working on getting meds for depression), doing what I can to make things better. Short of dragging him to therapy, I feel like I've done all I can.

I'm not asking for much. I've never been a flowers and poetry kinda girl, but it feels like he used to try more. Like he doesn't put as much effort into us anymore. I'm just tired of feeling like I'm the only one trying.