😭😭 Get her out


I'm only 36 weeks but I'm beyond ready for my daughter to make her entrance into this world. I feel so useless because of the amount of pain I am in constantly. I don't remember my other two pregnancies with my boys being this bad the last month. Waking up every morning my hands are always numb for several hours and my pelvis ALWAYS feels like it's broken. Doing anything is a struggle and I just want to cry all day long. I still have quite a bit to do to get her room ready but It hurts so bad doing it and I don't really have help. Nobody really understands and my daughters father seems to think I'm exaggerating just for attention (yes, he's an ass

). Doctor said at my appt last Tuesday that I'm 70% effaced, dilated to 2, cervix is anterior and very soft. Is it wrong of me to just want her to come now! ?