I'm freaking out!!!

Okay so I'm 37+6 and had a routine appointment yesterday. I had noticed over the last couple weeks that I had swelling in my hands, feet, and ankles but thought it was just the typical pregnancy swelling. The Doctor came in and informed me that my blood pressure was high (it's always been normal), and said that the proteins in my urine were high. So these two symptoms along with the swelling are all tale tale signs or preeclampsia. Being that I am almost 38 weeks the doctor said that I have to go back tomorrow to check my Bp again and to check the proteins again and if they are still high then I will be induced...TOMORROW...two weeks early...my baby boy isn't supposed to be here until September 8th and here I am...cleaning my entire house, making sure everything I need is in the hospital bag and I don't even know yet if I'll be having my baby tomorrow. I guess I just need some reassuring that everything is going to be okay...