So little one is 9 days old


And we have had visitors pretty much everyday!!! It's starting to annoy me, I'm trying to recover from emergency c section, need to air my incision breastfeed my baby etc and people just wanna see baby. Completely understandable they are excited to see him but comon everyday?! Mother and father in law came to the hospital and everyday for 3 days at home, we have politely told them to give us a few days family bonding time but father in law has gone crazy and told us we can't cope with our baby, compared parenthood to his 70 hour a week job to feed his gambling addiction, came round when baby was 3 days old banging on my bedroom door when I just put our baby down, then got pissed at ME because I told him to keep the noise down with the baby sleeping. We don't know what to do he's nuts!!! He's tried to control everything throughout the whole pregnancy and now wants to see the baby everyday yet now wev told him straight he's thrown his toys out the pram yet again. Just want to enjoy our baby 😭😐