15 month old picky eater

TNY • Scientist. Wife. Mom to 🐶 (2013), 👶🏻 (05/16), 👶🏻 (06/18), 👼 (03/20), 👶🏻 (12/20). Starting my advocacy for the disability community 💙💛.

My son is becoming so picky. I tried to feed him wholesome food as long as possible with no extra sugar but he is mowing refusing so many foods, I think he is picky regarding textures. I may have mushed/puréed/cut into such small pieces for too long since now he is refusing meat and most foods that have stringy texture. Help. What do you feed your little ones and are they picky too?

We are survive off of: pretty all carbs (crackers, cereal, toast, noodles, etc), all fruits, corn and peas, avocado, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese. Limited beans. But that is it.
