She's finally here!


I ended up being induced at 39 +4 due to how miserable I was (I couldn't take care of my toddler and it was becoming an issue). We checked in the hospital at 5 am on August 10, only to find out that they couldn't induce me until later. Thankfully, at 7:00 day shift came in and so did my doctor. I was 2 cm dialated and 100% effaced, but baby girl was content just hanging out. They broke my water at 7:10, and I started contracting consistently. At 7:30, they started pitocin. That was the worst thing I have ever experienced! I went from being able to breathe through contractions to writhing in pain because I felt like I was being run over by a car. They finally gave me my epidural at 9, and I was 6.5cm dialated. At 11, I told the nurse I felt like I was ready to push. By the time they got everything set up and paged my doctor it was 11:09. By 11:17 after 8 minutes of pushing, Madelyn Claire was born. She barely even cried! We had an amazing hour of skin to skin, where she slept the majority of the time and then wiggled down to latch on. I had such a great support team with my husband and mom in the room. It was definitely my easiest labor. She is such a laid back baby, and so sweet. Her brother adores her and loves to help with "sister ".