My Lil Princess

Jaz'Mine • 23. FTM. Medical Assistant.

August 24 6:15pm I was experiencing cramps but I put it a side in went back to bed. My boyfriend came home with some food for me around 7:30pm the pain was still continued I told him I may need to go to the hospital. His mom informed us to stay another hour see if it would ease up but it wasn’t so we went to the hospital got there about 8:45pm. When we got there they let me know that they where going to monitor me to determine if I was going to be admitted or not. 9:30pm they come in saying baby heart rate was up and down a lot in they didn’t wanna risk sending me home so the admitted me in. They gave me a room in at 10:15 they started my fluids. At 11:00pm they came in and gave me some pitocin. By 3am they checked my cervix I was at a 3cm the nurse up my pitocin some more and informed me that they will be coming I break my water if it hadn’t broke. 5:30am they come in break my water I had been doing really good with the contractions but at the point I was about to loose my mind. My bf seen how hurt I was he came over to comfort me. My mom called me on FaceTime cause my brother wanted to speak with me. At that point I was just wanting the epidural. 20 mins of being on the phone with them because they couldn’t come to Houston because of the hurricane I told them that we was gone call back when I started pushing. Immediately after I got off the phone the come check me again I moved from a 3 to 7cm fast. At that point I asked for the epidural they informed my bf he couldn’t be in the room when they gave it to me. So he left to go to the waiting room. I told the doctor I felt the urge to push she told me to wait she check me again I was at 9.5cm. She told me I couldn’t get the epidural I was sad cause I had as in pain but happy cause I said I wanted to do it all natural. When the doctors came in it seem like they where getting dressed so slow like I could feel her coming in they kept telling me to stop pushing but she was ready to come. Five pushes in my baby girl enter August 25 @7:08am, 5lb 15oz, 20 inched. I was so excited to meet her. I had her 2 weeks early than I was supposed to.