Scariest moment


Ok so when I got pregnant with my baby boy I developed hypertension and was told I'd probably have to be induced. It was a Monday I went to see my OB and she tells me we need to get you in to be induced tomorrow night. I immediately start freaking out. I'm nervous about what to expect especially because I'm a FTM.

So I go in Tuesday at 4:30 pm with my SO, mom, and mother-in-law. Around 7pm they clamp my cervix between balloons filled with saline. I kept the balloons in overnight and the pain was almost unbearable. I cried all night long, squeezing the daylights out of my SOs hand, and repeatedly expressed how I couldn't do it. I still remember the pain.

About 7am they took the balloons out and I was 4cm. They started a oxytocin IV. Then I started having really intense contractions. I didn't plan to have my baby unmediated but I did want to experience the contractions. Around 1pm I requested an epidural. Around 4:30ish pm I was 10cm and ready to push. I pushed 3 times at the peak of each contractions for 4 contractions (yes I counted lol) and my baby boy slipped right out. Born at 4:44pm, weighing 6lbs 9oz.

After I gave birth, I was told I had a second degree tear and later found out I lost a significant amount of blood and had to have a blood transfusion. I remember going to a mirror and I looked as pale as ever. I hardly recognized myself. I had the hardest time trying to grasp what was happening. I was afraid I wouldn't be well enough to take care of my baby.

Buttttt it was alllllll worth it for my cutie. He is now 5weeks.