Feeling so overwhelmed - can anyone else relate?

Does anyone else feel so extremely overwhelmed and stressed out? Sometimes it's nice just to know you're not alone.. my husband and I have SO much to do before our little girl comes. We have less than 3 months and there is so much to do. Our house that we live in is not exactly super nice. It's an older home and I really can't wait to move. Our house has so many things that need to be done to it. Our plumbing has to be fixed, our roof currently has a leak in it which is making the closet in our soon to be nursery moldy. Yes, there's a mold problem in our nursery closet. We have cars that need to be fixed, things that have to get cleaned and ready for the baby. My husband suffered a really bad accident at work (he was an electrician) and got second and third degree burns all over his face and so he's been unable to see or do much of anything for the last 2 weeks. After his accident we decided we didn't want him to go back to what he was doing so now he is currently looking for a job. Our finances are so tight and we have debt, and bills. And I'm the only one making all the money right now while pregnant... we have to be on a really tight strict budget right now because of this.... nothing for the baby has been bought yet except for a few things of clothes. I just don't even know what to do or where to begin. I feel so overwhelmed and stressed out. Am I alone in feeling this way?