Telling older children


Anyone have a fun way to tell older children? Mine are 10 and 6, boy and girl. I'm going to first apptmnt(8.5 weeks) on Thursday and we plan on telling them after!

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We have a 6 year old and 16 month old, we're not telling them until we find out what baby is. We plan to keep it a secret and then take our daughter to our anatomy scan appointment with us to tell her and for her to find out if she's getting another brother or a sister


Brandie • Aug 28, 2017
It's been hard keeping it from our 6 year old especially when I take a nap or tell her I need to rest for a few I just don't feel good but we also don't want to tell her and her get her hopes up since she has in the past and then we miscarry. We'd just rather wait it out and tell her once we know things are going to work out.


Erica • Aug 28, 2017
We've thought about having them come to gender US and prob still will, but I'm not sure I can hold it in that long! dying to explain why mom is "not feeling great" and napping a lot! Lol


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I had shirts made that said Big Bro and Big Sis and rolled them up to where you couldn't see it said anything. I had them close their eyes and hold out their hands and put them in their hands. Then they opened their eyes and unrolled them. It was fun watching them figure it out!


Erica • Aug 28, 2017
I bet that was fun seeing them figure it out! A gift sounds like a good idea 😀😀