Moving together... with his brother?!

my honey and i have been planning on moving in together for a while and finally got the ground running on looking for a place. he's going to school in our hometown and i'm going to school in the next state over, and we plan to move together the summer before sophomore year (i have a scholarship that lets me pay in-state tuition either way so that's not a problem thank god). but then, he said that his brother is looking for a place too and that they want to split a two-bedroom apartment and that honey and i can share a bedroom. i guess it makes sense economically. but is it weird that i don't like the idea of living with both him and his brother? like i wanted our first apartment as a couple to be, you know, as a couple. i don't wanna feel like a roommate. plus i feel like it would be awkward and that we won't have all the perks and privacy that we could have in our own house. is that weird? am i being unreasonable?