
I had witnessed many terrible things as a child, most of them were started by my mother. She treats my me and my siblings like trash. I have this horrifying memory of when I was younger, she hung my older brother above the stairs, threatening to let him go since he accidentally talked back to her. The thing is, I saw the fear in his eyes when he realized that he talked back to her and immediately broke into tears, saying sorry. A more recent one is when I showed her my chemistry poster board from when I was in junior high, and since I am very passionate about science, I got all excited and my mouth wouldn't stop running about random facts about chemistry. She got very angry with me, since I was interrupting her TV time, and she ripped my poster apart, then sent me to my room. I don't know what to do? I want to stand up to her, but I'm the youngest in my family, and the only respect I get is from my hamster.