My dad is sooo nosey!! Driving me insane.

So my dad has always been the parent that asks a million questions about where we go, what we do, who with, what time etc which is fair enough but he always takes it too far. When I was 18 I smoked weed and used to keep everything in the boot of MY car (which I paid for with my own money) inside a bag which was inside another bag and one he time borrowed my car and when he came back he asked why I had weed in my car. Like seriously? it's my car and i'm 18 so it really pisses me off. He used to go through my phone even when I was paying for my contract and bought the phone myself and even now I get a letter and he will open it or come into my bedroom and see what it was once i've opened it. He looks over my shoulder when I get messages on my phone, he tries to read what's on my phone if I leave my phone on the kitchen bench or on the table, if I get a parcel he will shake it and feel it to see what it is?? Like really!! I'm 20 years old now and it still happens, its starting to annoy me really bad.

Just needed to vent.