30 weeks with contractions


Ended up in the hospital this morning with small contractions. Felt like heartburn all over my tummy and into the back. It's too early!!

So to back up... tried a hot shower, tums, and cereal to see if any of those solved the problem before calling the on-call dr. No such luck. He said to come in.

They put me on a monitor and sure enough contractions. Not Braxton Hicks. They also called it, "an irritated uterus." Ugh. They checked the cervix-closed. Good. Gave me a smooth muscle relaxer Rx which luckily stopped the contractions.

Now I'm home, drinking lots of water. They weren't sure why that happened but suggested even more water than I was already drinking. Tummy still feel agitated but not so bad.

Anyone else have this? I'm a teacher and starting work tomorrow. Ugh. Figures. Not looking forward to it but will take it as easy as possible. I see my OB in a couple of days. I hope things are back to normal by then. 🤞