New... PCOS


Hello ladies,

I'm new to this app and forum. I just want to share my story in the hopes that I am not alone and to get my prayers answered.

I was finally officially diagnosed with PCOS last September, despite having the symptoms for about 10 years now. My fertility MD did a TUS on our first day and saw it immediately. We did blood work, semen analysis and a HSG just to rule out anything else. Thankfully everything was unremarkable.

We started our first round of <a href="">IUI</a> in June with Femara, trigger shot and progesterone supp. I experienced bloatiness, heavy/tender breasts and pulling feeling in my uterus. I finally ovulated and had two inseminations back to back. Two weeks later the pregnancy bloodwork came back positive but HCG levels were low. A repeat showed levels decreasing, I was not pregnant. Eventually levels went back to normal. BTW this all happened on the week of my birthday. I was so depressed that I stopped taking my prenatals thinking "what's the point?" My husband was ok because the doctor had told us that chances of it working the first were very slim.

I started my cycle again last week and was able to start the second round. This time my doctor changed it to clomid. Today was my last day taking the med and besides my minor irritability I have not had any side effects which makes me wonder if it's even working on me. I'm due to go in on Wednesday to measure my follicles. I know they won't be ready, last time it took 2 weeks.

I'm just wondering if I should push for <a href="">IVF</a>? I see a lot of people saying they were on clomid for 5 rounds before getting pregnant or switching to Femara and I don't know if I could that to myself, emotionally, physically and monetary. The first round cost is almost $3000. How much does <a href="">IVF</a> cost?

Any words of wisdom?

Thank you