Glad to be done?

Any other August moms who are straight up glad to be done? Anyone else not miss being pregnant AT ALL? Seriously, I'm glad I was because my daughter is here now, but I don't miss one single aspect of pregnancy. I love having my body back!

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The only thing I miss is being able to sleep a little more while pregnant. 😅


Pen • Aug 29, 2017
💯 this but at least I can sleep on my back again!!


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Yes, this!! If anything I miss his little movements and kicks, but much rather him here on the outside world. Being pregnant and having a big belly around doing everyday things was not my favorite, I am so relieved to be done with that!


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tbh i miss being pregnant simply because things are much easier, i get more sleep and time on my hands. now that i gave birth its hard, i have the baby blues but my fiancé is being very supportive and im trying to be strong for my son and family


Zoe • Aug 30, 2017


De • Aug 29, 2017
I'm with you!


Karis • Aug 29, 2017
I feel the same exact way


Posted at
Soooo glad to be done. Had a dream pregnancy (second. First was a nightmare) but I hated it anyway. I LOVE children and I always joke that me hating pregnancy is Gods way of preventing me from having 20children. XD Anyway ... when I'm pregnant I just don't feel like myself. My personality changes and I just can't stand myself that way. I get much more impatient and even aggressive sometimes. It feels like I'm on the worst day of my period for 9whole months. Yuk!


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I don't miss being pregnant at all. I love having my little man here and I fall in love with him more and more everyday! I was throwing up daily until 24 weeks - then had the heartburn and indegestion / nausea right through. Paired with chronic migraines that I couldn't use any of my medication for .... to say the least I'm happy it's done - but already looking forward to having another baby haha


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I'm so relieved to not be pregnant anymore and finally starting to feel like myself again.


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I miss the belly a little but it stopped being cute after 36 weeks and I started just being anxious and irritated


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I don't miss it at all! I have been eating everything in sight, happy to not feel sick and hot all of the time. I do not miss being pregnant one bit. It was awful for me but looking at my little boy, it was all worth it😩☺️


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I'm glad I'm not pregnant anymore, but I don't enjoy the post partum vaginal pain AT ALL.


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I miss being pregnant SO much as I was so bonded with my girl but the things weren't as hard when she was in my belly. We're even closer now, but learning how to breastfeed and adjusting to my new life has been different! Oh and I've lost so much weight that I miss having some curves from pregnancy!