Anyone else?


Anyone else's doctor don't check for progress? I feel like I'm the only lady in here stuck in the wind! My doctors office doesn't check unless you have been having A TON of contractions. I'm 38.3 and no NOTHING other than this is the most I've ever been pregnant. On top of all that I question whether I'm having real contractions or if I just have to go to the bathroom 😕

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A lot of doctors don't check dilation because it's gives no indication of when you'll give birth. You could be stuck at 2 cm for weeks, or you could be closed and deliver in 8 hours. From my understanding, it's more for the mother's comfort prior to labor beginning. If you really want to be checked, all you have to do is ask.


Kelsey • Aug 28, 2017
I did haha they won't


Posted at
My midwife team doesn't do checks unless you request it. Even then they only do them after 39 weeks. So at my next appointment I'll ask for a membrane sweep and they will obviously do a check then. But I know it doesn't really tell me anything useful until I'm in labor.


Posted at
I wasn't checked my first pregnancy. I never felt BH or any type of contractions, I didn't lose the mucus plug or have bloody show, and my baby didn't drop. All of those things prior to labor don't mean too much. They'll happen in labor, and that's all that matters.


Posted at
I'm 37 weeks. Have not been checked yet. Next appt is 38 weeks on Friday not sure if they will then? I do however have C-section scheduled for 2 weeks from today due to breech baby so maybe they don't care/need to check I dunno??


Posted at
No check and they haven't done any measurements on her. I'm feeling really in the dark about everything 😭


Janaye • Aug 28, 2017
I hate it ! Do you see the same midwife / ob every time ?


Kelsey • Aug 28, 2017
This is exactly how I feel!!


Posted at
My dr told me he's checking at my next appointment. I'll be 36 weeks 6 days. I believe if you asked they should check you.


Kelsey • Aug 28, 2017
Nope they won't I asked at my 36 week and they wouldn't and I already had my pants off because of the group b