Text about husband.

I cannot post anywhere but here or period talk lol so I decided here.

My husband and i have been together 5 years. He works on the road so is rarely ever home. Today I received a text from a number that I had never seen before. It said "Rachel, I don't know you personally but I know you and Matthew (my husband) through our kids hockey events. Anyways, a few weeks ago I saw Matthews truck outside a hotel in Roberts (a small town he was working in) and I saw a young women go to his truck, go to the gas tank and take out what looked to be a hotel room key. Just wanted to let you know that happened."

I was and am devastated! :( it was a random text but all the info she gave me about the town and hotel and that made sense. Later on I got another text saying -

"The only reason I bring this up is cause my friend and I were taking our nightly walk a while back through the neighborhood and saw Matthews work truck at 9:30pm in this women's driveway, when I know you would not be out because of the children. (I have 3 children from a previous marriage and I know I wouldn't ever be out that late, especially in his work truck) so these two incidents just seemed fishy. Sorry again"

This does all make sense but I'm not sure if I should believe it. He hasn't answered my calls or texts. I know the women who's house he was at and I know they know each other and she is recently single which scares me to death....ughhhh what should I believe?