if you had to be induced with a preemie...


ok, so we are having some issues that more than likely will lead to me being induced somewhere between 32-36 weeks, Dr wants to admit me around 32 and see what happens ... currently 31 exactly so I have about a week to get things in order..... finishing our sons room tonight, doing some frozen meal prep so I don't have to mess with cooking after the birth and DH has food while I'm hospitalized... house is clean and ready.... if you were induced early, knowing you would likely have a baby in the NICU what else did you do to prepare, how much time did the baby spend in the nicu if at all? what kind of medical assitance did they need? what were things like right at delivery, did you get to see/hold your baby before they rushed them to the nicu? any tips for a new mom and dad in this experience?

edit: I have a history of 3rd trimester stillbirth, 2 genetic blood clotting disorders (elevated factor 8 and protein S Deficiency), type 2 diabetes, and issues with my spinal fluid levels that are causing debilitating headaches and permanent vision loss... the baby seems to be measuring right on schedule and healthy as can be... I go for ultrasounds twice a week and NST's 3 times a week and the nurses have said on multiple occasions that he looks more like a full term baby on the NST than a 31 weeker so he looks strong.... we also have a prematurely aging placenta, its calcifying too soon and will eventually cut off his nutrient supply too soon.... now to top it off the last few days I'm struggling with high and low blood sugar, like dangerously low for no obvious reason.... Dr started the pregnancy out very confident to make it to 39 weeks but now he is hoping for 34...he texts me throughout the day every day and we see him 5 days a week.... he says that out of the 10,000 babies he has delivered this is the most difficult case he has ever had... there's a lot of timing involved not just with getting the baby to a safe point to deliver but also with my medications and issues.