how would you react?😶

Rant!!!! more of a Little story of mine read if your bored or have time and like giving inputs. No rude comments needed.

Yesterday me and my outspoken boyfriend, we've been together almost 2 years, were having a conversation. We're talking about a co-worker of mine and her appearance to which he said she's a solid 4. mind you on a scale of 1-10 he said this. in the past not relevant he's told me he thinks he's verry handsome and a solid 10. well I do find my man attractive and I know appearances aren't all that matters but I do have my version of a good looking person like many people out there. anyways back to the story I proceeded to ask my man "what would you rate me in all honesty? like be real honest with me." and he said you're " a high 6 probably a 7". I played off the conversation and I don't know if he noticed but then he said "I see myself realistically like a 7".... I don't know why but it kinda hurt me a little bit in my eyes I saw myself atleast like an 8 lol. and I've never really been confident or had a great self esteem but it made me feel kind of crappy for the guy I love to tell me that. I felt like he can easily find other girls out there that he may think are way prettier than me it just made me feel like shit. what do you think

or how would you feel? just want to know how i should have reacted.

Also since yesterday when he told me this not intentionally I've been kind of giving him a more calm side of me not necessarily attitude because i know he did nothing wrong.