im there

Sabrina • married mamma of 3 beautiful babies!!!!!

im 34 weeks on Thursday and im over being pregnant. i didnt feel like this with my first 2 and honestly this pregnancy has been super easy. i told hubs i only needed to make it 3 more weeks and he said "youve been wonderfuln this pregnancy. energetic and not hyper emotional. youve been doing a ton even with very little sleep"

im exhausted most days but i work 3rd and feel like im waisting my day if i spend it sleeping. maybe its because i feel guilty doing nothing when i have 2 toddlers? today i was super energetic and played outside with my kids and sang with them before bed but then i took a 3 hour nap before work and now i feel like crap. at work and im lile ugh. maybe its ny job thats killing my soul but we cant afford for me to be off before baby comes. we need our 2 paychecks right now....sorry long post im just over it when im at work i guess.