Am I really pregnant?

I should start off by saying that I have pcos. I was diagnosed over 7 years ago and have worked hard over the past few years to minimize my symptoms. In April of 2016 I underwent WLS to give me a better chance of pregnancy by losing weight. We started trying in April of this year - a year post op.

I got my period August 18th. Yesterday I started spotting and semi bleeding. I don't know why but something told me to take an at home pregnancy test. So I did. The first one started off negative then turned positive. Then I did the pink lines, and its faint.

I know there is a higher chance of miscarriage with pcos and that a cyst could also be causing a false positive.

What do you all think? Pregnant? False alarm?

Either way I am calling my obgyn in the morning to set up blood work and an appointment but I can't tell anyone yet so you're it! I'm